Funds granted €245,025.90
Feel Active, Be Unique. Land Of Unusual Synergies (F.A.B.U.lous)
Feel Active, Be Unique. Land Of Unusual Synergies (F.A.B.U.lous) POR FESR 2014-2020, Pillar 3. Action 3.3.4 D – Regional Council Resolution No. 1426 of 1 October 2019. ‘Call for proposals for the activation, development, and consolidation of SME networks to meet the demand for tourism and satisfy international markets – Promotion’
This project proposes the development of an innovative outdoor tourism model supported by the aggregation of enterprises that partner in the implementation of actions designed to meet the demand of the markets of the Vancouver (Canada) and Los Angeles (USA) areas.
It considers the outdoor-activity supply chain, especially cycling, running, hiking, and the like.
The intent is to enhance an attractive segment that is of interest to an increasingly large and expanding international audience, developing the many tourism products that the Veneto region has to offer: from the Dolomites to the sea and the Venetian
lagoon, not to mention the foothills, lakes and art-filled cities. The action plan includes carrying out market analyses, looking for foreign partners, adapting companies and building a tourist destination that offers packages linked to the concept of ‘experiencing Veneto’.
Promotional activities include educational tours, participation in trade fairs, supply-and-demand meetings and the linking of successful Veneto sports events.
Participants include sports equipment sales and rental companies, hotels and restaurants, event agencies, transport services, and tour guides.